Best Quality Parts on the Market
Highly Trained Professionals
Locally Owned and Operated
Full 30 day Warranty on our Service
Trade in your Broken Device for Store Credit
Are you suffering because of a faulty console? We understand your time is limited and you want the best service for a reasonable price, that's why our qualified technician with years of experience will treat your system with care. We specialize in video game consoles, new or old. Don't be afraid to ask our staff if you have any questions.
When you bring your device into the store, you don't have to worry about cables or controllers, the main device with the problem will suffice. Cost and wait time may vary, other than the $25 deposit, depending on the console, so we will be sure to inform you of our current rates when you bring it in. We are so confident with our work we give a 30 day warranty on any device for the same problem it came with as long as our store seals are intact.
You don't have to live through those famous horror stories of the official manufacturers. Holding your equipment for months and paying high shipping fees for an easy fix. You can come to us and make sure you get the best service in the area.
Is your device not turning on? Do you think a power spike caused some damage? Severe failures like these might not mean the end of your system.
Maintenance at least twice a year, will help increase the lifespan of your device, prevent overheating and therefore reduce poor performance.
If you can hear your game working but you have no video, or maybe there is crackling on your audio. We have you covered.
Sometimes visible from the outside, sometimes not apparent. These port can break easily with the normal daily usage of your console.
We can replace almost any part of your device, screens, buttons, ports, wires, joysticks, cases, batteries.... There is almost nothing we can't deal with.
Disk spinning and nothing happens? Does your system complain you have an open tray or just spits the disk back out? Game cartridge not detected? No Problem.
We can fix surface scratches on all your DVDs and CDs or refurbish retro game cartridges you might have thought useless.
Don't let it stop you. If your system is too old, or you have no idea what's wrong, our technicians will find out and let you know.